Onboarding und Training, die begeistern - eSquirrel business
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Learning analytics


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With Learning analytics, you can see at a glance what your students are still struggling with and what they have already mastered. This helps you to tailor your lessons exactly to the needs of your students. The 10 easiest and the 10 most difficult questions are also listed.

Here’s how:

In the teacher’s portal, click on the course or book whose statistics you want to view. You will be taken directly to the “Achievments”. There you will find the heading “Learning Analytics” at the bottom of the page. Next to it, click on “Load” and you will get an evaluation of the questions.

In the evaluation, you will then see the question from the quest in the respective chapter, the question itself (incl. solution), the question type, the maximum achievable acorns and the average attempts needed for this question. According to this, these questions are also ranked.

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Konzept: Bildungsgutschein für digitale Lernmittel

Bildungsgutschein für digitale Lernformen

Derzeit fließen weniger als 5% der Schulbuchaktion in digitale Lernmittel. Dies sind nicht einmal 2€ pro Schüler:in in Österreich für ein ganzes Schuljahr. Dies ist nicht mehr zeitgemäß und verhindert Innovation. Gleichzeitig können digitale Lernplattformen mit vergleichsweise geringem Aufwand wesentlich dazu beitragen, viele dringende Probleme des Schulsystems zu lösen

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