Our authors
Our authors are experts both in their field and in creating mobile optimized questions.

In the active time she was teaching mathematics, geography and economics, computer science and word processing. Since retirement, she was a lecturer for applied mathematics at bfi Salzburg until January 2018, member of the item group for the creation of tasks for the BRP, author of the books for the “BRP” and “Lehre mit Matura”.

Teacher training in German and English in Vienna. Lived and taught in England for seven years (Manshead Upper School, Aylesbury High School) before moving back to Wiedner Gymnasium (Sir Karl Popper Schule) two years ago, where she teaches German and English.

Teacher of mathematics, physics, chemistry and computer science for almost 30 years. ICT administrator at the NMS Traisirchen, head & instructor of the ICT courses at Bizent Traiskirchen, ECDL examiner, lecturer and seminar activities throughout Austria and much more. Idea generator and leader of the eSquirrel Go package, significantly supported by his family Karin & Christian Krug.

After completing his teacher training for biology and English (including a year abroad in Manchester), he worked for several years at the BG/BRG Klosterneuburg and now teaches at Sacré Coeur Pressbaum. Among other things, he is the author of the eSquirrel courses English Grammar 1-4.

Teacher for the subjects mathematics and computer science at the Viennese secondary school “GRg 21 Schulschiff”. Author of the mathematics textbook Lösungswege (ÖBV) and the AHS Matura training in mathematics (eSquirrel).

Graduate studies in mathematics and computational intelligence. Doctorate in computer science (cloud computing). Study visits to New York and Eastern Slovakia. Co-author of the AHS Matura Training Mathematics and the large accumulated useless knowledge (eSquirrel).

HTL teacher. Author of books on the “Berufsreifeprüfung” mathematics (publishers ikon and Lemberger), as well as the “Berufsreifeprüfung” mathematics (eSquirrel).

Federal eLSA Coordinator, IT Coordinator at Ödenburgerstraße High School

AHS teacher at BORG Ternitz. Author of the AHS high school physics series.

Teacher of biology at NMS Traiskirchen. Author of Biology and Environmental Studies 3 and 4 (eSquirrel).

Marketing and SEO expert, photographer, designer. Game of Thrones lover. Author of the Game of Thrones course (eSquirrel). about.me/cornelia.kroell

Author for History and Social Studies/Civic Education 2-4, and Geography and Economics 1-4 (eSquirrel).

Author for History and Social Studies/Civic Education 2-4, and Geography and Economics 1-4 (eSquirrel).

AHS teacher for German and History, Social Studies and Political Education at BG/BRG Klosterneuburg.

AHS teacher for German and English at BG/BRG Klosterneuburg.

eSquirrel French writer, native speaker from Paris, degrees in journalism & French as a foreign language.

AHS teacher for mathematics, geography and economics and geometric drawing at Sacré Coeur Pressbaum

Studied geodesy and geoinformation at the Vienna University of Technology. Decades of tutoring in Wiener Neustadt for mathematics and science subjects.

Teacher of MSi 15 (computer science school in Sechshauser Straße 71)
Authors of “DAS Mathematikbuch”

Professor at two high schools. Teaches mathematics, computer science and geometric drawing. Current studies: Physics and Telecommunications

Teacher of mathematics and computer science at BG/BRG Lichtenfels. Author of the courses Mathematics 3 (Cornelsen) and Mathematics 7 (ÖBV).
Further authors:
- Max Helm
- Ingrid Hofbauer
- Gabriele Eder
- Susanne Gottlieb
- Jakob Derndorfer
- Elisabeth Hawle
- Pascal Günsberg
- Dr. Thomas Benesch
- Manfred Rusch
- Sebastian Steyrer
- Kristina Rauchlechner
- Sabrina Prochaska
- Yvonne Albrecht
- Hanna Vass
- Katharina Held
- Andrea Zimmerl
- u.v.m.
You want to become an author?
You miss the eSquirrel course on a certain subject of a certain school level? You want to become an eSquirrel author yourself? Maybe you have already written a few chapters or used your course with students?
Then simply apply with your CV, 2-3 sentences about yourself and the school or institute where you teach at [email protected]. If this is a good fit for us, we will invite you to a few mock interviews.
Your profile:
In order to guarantee the usual high quality of eSquirrel courses, we expect the following:
- Completed (teaching) degree or equivalent training
- Enjoy working with new media
- Enjoy working independently & remotely
- Ideally, you already have first teaching experience with eSquirrel
Expense & remuneration:
- Creation of approx. 400-800 questions about a textbook or school subject
- Revenue sharing in the courses sold OR a one-time fee for each question created