Onboarding und Training, die begeistern - eSquirrel business

International eSquirrel author (f/m/d)

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International eSquirrel author (f/m/d)


You want to contribute to the digitalisation of the European educational system? eSquirrel is the mobile learning companion, which is used to playfully enhance any textbook or topic with gamifcation. Help us to create the future of education today by joining our young interdisciplinary team – one of Austria’s TOP 100 young enterprises 2019 and 2020!

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Are you looking for a specific course for a specific school level that does not exist yet? Do you want to become an eSquirrel author yourself? Have you even already written a few quests or used your course with students?

Then simply apply with your résumé, a few meaningful lines about yourself and the school or institute at which you teach at [email protected]. If that suits us, we will invite you for a few sample questions.


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Your profile:

In order to guarantee the usual high quality of eSquirrel courses, we expect the following:

  • Completed (teaching) degree or equivalent training
  • Enjoy working with new media
  • Enjoy working independently & remotely
  • Ideally, you already have first teaching experience with eSquirrel

Expense & remuneration:

  • Creation of approx. 400-800 questions about a textbook or school subject
  • Revenue sharing in the courses sold OR a one-time fee for each question created


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Apply today and help us to take education onto a new level!

Apply with your CV, reference projects and a few meaningful lines about yourself to [email protected]. We are looking forward to hearing from you!

By applying to us you accept our privacy policy for recruiting.


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Current job offers


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