FAQ – Frequently asked questions
If you didn’t find an answer to your question or there is a technical problem, contact us at [email protected].
Please report errors or suggestions for improvement at [email protected].
„e“ as in email and „Squirrel“ just like the tree-dwelling rodent with a bushy tail.
Login and account creation
A common problem is that the phone number or email address was entered incorrectly. Even just changing a single letter or number can lead to this problem. If you aren’t sure that you have entered the correct phone number or email address, restart the account creation and make sure you enter it correctly. If you have checked your phone number or email address and you are sure that it is correct, you can request a new confirmation link.
Simply use the same email address or phone number, which you have used to log into the teacher’s portal. You can use eSquirrel everywhere with the same account – no matter if smartphone, tablet or web; student, teacher or author.
You can just reset your password.
If you have forgotten your password, you can just reset your password. If you don’t remember the email address or phone number you have used to create your account, you can try different variants for logging in. eSquirrel will tell you if an account with the given email or phone number exists.
In your profile, you can set the email address or phone number you want to use. You can then choose which one to use when logging in. If you have already created two different accounts, one with your phone number and the other with your email address, you first have to remove your phone number/email address from one account, so you can add it to the other.
Yes! In the teachers’ portal, you will find your class management, where you are able to “print instructions”. On this website, your class code and the QR-code will also be displayed.
- Open the teachers’ portal and, if necessary, log in to your eSquirrel account.
- In the teachers’ portal, click on the button “Redeem voucher”.
- In the open dialogue, enter the voucher code and confirm it by clicking on “Continue”.
- If you want to add the places to an existing class, go to “Management“, select your class there, and then click “Add places”. In this case, you are already done. Otherwise, enter the new class’s name under “Create new class” and click “Create class”.
- After the voucher has been successfully redeemed, you will receive a confirmation with the class code. Pass this on to your students. In the app or on the web, they click on “Join class” and enter the class code or scan it as a QR code. You can also retrieve the class code later at any time under “Management“.
- Your newly created class now appears in the list. Click on it to view the learning progress of your students or to manage the class.
If you still have questions or a problem, please contact us at [email protected].
Yes. Simply create your own course, quests and questions in the authors’ tool.
Try it right now! If you are not sure where to start, check out our guidelines.
Tips and tricks on how to create good questions can be found in our guidelines for authors (german).
Any information concerning the A-level preparation exam in mathematics can be found in German under Fragen und Antworten rund um das Maturatraining.
Yes. Some books contain eSquirrel as E-Book Plus which can be ordered through the “Schulbuchaktion”. If not, you can order eSquirrel courses via “Unterrichtsmittel eigener Wahl (UeW) der Schulbuchaktion”. Simply order in our shop.
Yes, simply order in our shop.
A lot. We offer courses to many Austrian and German schoolbooks and classes – starting from primary school over both levels of secondary education on to the school leaving exams (Matura, Abitur) continuing to adult education and university entrance exams, e.g., for medicine.
We have the following publishing houses with eSquirrel courses on board:
- aufnahmepruefung.at
- Bildungsverlag Lemberger
- E. Weber Verlag
- Ed. Hölzel
- Hefte helfen
- Ikon Verlag
- Manz Verlag Schulbuch
- Trauner Verlag
- Veritas
Skim through all our courses in our course catalogue.
Your favourite schoolbook or publisher is missing? Drop us a line at [email protected].
When buying some books you will receive an eSquirrel course for free. You will find an eSquirrel code printed in your book. It can be redeemed in the eSquirrel app by clicking on “Redeem code from the book” at the bottom of the store. You can also find a button to redeem the code on the store page of your book
You can also redeem the same code in the web version.
Data privacy and legal
When creating a class we prepare instruction for installing the app (including the class code) which you can easily print. The instructions include a form that provides a summary of the most relevant parts of the privacy policy adhering to the GDPR. You can have your students sign this form. Students younger than 16 (in some countries the age limit is lower, e.g., Austria it is younger than 14) need to have their legal representatives sign the form. Have a look at the form which will also be included when creating a class. You will also find the form in your class under “Management” together with the registration code.
No. Especially students above 16 (in some countries the age limit is lower) can agree to the privacy policy themselves. This happens when registering in the app or web. There is also no concern for younger students because the necessary consent is given by their parents via the app or web itself.
Additionally, we have created a handy form for your students so that they can agree to the privacy policy also on paper. This is optional – the legally binding consent is already given within the platform itself.
Thus, your students do not have to use nicknames. They can totally normally use the platform as they have been rightfully informed about the processing of their data and have agreed to that.
If there are still any concerns please drop us a line at [email protected] so that we can clarify the issue.
Yes. It is only necessary that students under 14 (in some countries the age limit is higher but at most 16) have their legal representatives consent to using it. This consent is gathered directly through the app.
Optionally, this handy printable form can be used to hand out to parents. The form summarizes the most relevant parts of the privacy policy relevant to students and their parents. Again, this is optional – the legally binding consent is already given within the platform itself – no matter, if on Android, iOS or the web.
Please write to us at [email protected]
Please write to us at [email protected]
eSquirrel Academy: Free Webinars
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Let your students dive into the world of eSquirrel by practicing on their smartphones. Use your textbook digitally, post homework easily, create quizzes and view your students’ successes at a glance.