Onboarding und Training, die begeistern - eSquirrel business
eSquirrel making textbooks playable

School shutdown due to Corona virus

corona virus blog entry
eSquirrel stellt alle Kurse für jedenfalls 2 Monate kostenlos zur Verfügung

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Due to the international school shutdowns caused by the Corona virus eSquirrel has decided to offer its whole content for free for the next 2 months.

This is how you can create your own courses for free:

  1. Login to the author’s portal on eSquirrel (or click on “Sign in” on eSquirrel.at)
  2. Create a new course with as many exercises you want. Afterwards share it with your students by creating a class in the teacher’s portal. This will give you instructions with a class code.
  3. Print, mail or upload this instruction with the class code into a Moodle. Your students will scan the class code in the eSquirrel app and off they go!

Students only need the free App (iOS or Android).

Laden im App Store jetzt bei google play downloaden

This is how students and teachers get free access to our digital courses:

  1. Login to the teacher’s portal on eSquirrel anmelden (or click on “Sign in” on eSquirrel.at)
  2. Create a new class for every course you want to teach and choose “Use for free” for 2 months. Afterwards you get instructions with a class code for your students to print.
  3. Print, mail or upload this instruction with the class code into a Moodle. Your students will scan the class code in the eSquirrel app and off they go!

Students only need the free App (iOS or Android).

Laden im App Store jetzt bei google play downloaden

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Mehr zum Entdecken

Konzept: Bildungsgutschein für digitale Lernmittel

Bildungsgutschein für digitale Lernformen

Derzeit fließen weniger als 5% der Schulbuchaktion in digitale Lernmittel. Dies sind nicht einmal 2€ pro Schüler:in in Österreich für ein ganzes Schuljahr. Dies ist nicht mehr zeitgemäß und verhindert Innovation. Gleichzeitig können digitale Lernplattformen mit vergleichsweise geringem Aufwand wesentlich dazu beitragen, viele dringende Probleme des Schulsystems zu lösen

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