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School at home: how to motivate your children to learn

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Closed schools aren’t just taking a toll on teachers and students right now. Parents also struggle with encouraging their children to repeat the content. Distance learning is the word of the day, but the reality is often different. You can find out how to create a school day for your child at home.

Set fixed times

The same applies for children as for parents who currently work from home. There should be a clear boundary between work and personal life. Set times with your child to study. Do not forget the breaks! Make a schedule like your child knows from school. Thus, there is also enough time to play and exercise.

Set up a dedicated workstation

If you can get your child his own desk – great! If not, choose a place where your child can put their school supplies and where they will learn. Again, it’s important to set boundaries so your child can switch off when leaving this place.

Praise successes, support with weaknesses

Let your child work out tasks on their own – don’t fall into the pattern of wanting to help your child every step of the way. Together with the child and teachers, determine goals that can be achieved. (For secure communication between teachers and parents, Schoolfox is a great option, which has made its offer available free of charge until the summer vacations).
Your child will encounter successes, but also failures. Praise the successes and try to support when difficulties arise, by no means take over the tasks.

Use digital teaching tools

Digital teaching tools have become essential. In addition, use our platform to motivate your child to repeat and deepen the learning content.

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Konzept: Bildungsgutschein für digitale Lernmittel

Bildungsgutschein für digitale Lernformen

Derzeit fließen weniger als 5% der Schulbuchaktion in digitale Lernmittel. Dies sind nicht einmal 2€ pro Schüler:in in Österreich für ein ganzes Schuljahr. Dies ist nicht mehr zeitgemäß und verhindert Innovation. Gleichzeitig können digitale Lernplattformen mit vergleichsweise geringem Aufwand wesentlich dazu beitragen, viele dringende Probleme des Schulsystems zu lösen

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