Michael Maurer, founder of eSquirrel, presented the peadagogical concept behind the eSquirrel method at the “8th International Conference on Open and Distance Learning” in Athens last week. “We believe in the Blended of Blended Learning, as well in the Mobile of Mobile Learning,” Michael explained. “What makes the concept behind eSquirrel so unique is that it combines training of content with face-to-face teaching and self-empowerded learning units.” Students decide themselves when they want to learn. If it’s in the bus, waiting for the tram or just after reading facebook before falling asleep.
Besides other interesting projects, another Blended Learning technique, which focuses on the principle of flipped classrooms, grasped our attention: i2 flex
After all the inspiring talks – especially with members of the EU funded eStep-project, there was enough time to work on eSquirrel – with a not less inspiring view, of where reasoning behind learning and teaching all began.