2021 just ended and we have experienced a lot.
Best EdTech start-up in the German-speaking region
For us, 2021 was the year of awards. It stared with the Comenius seal, followed by “The seal of approval for learning apps” from the Ministry of Education, the finals of the HR Awards 2021 and the victory in the German-speaking finals of the Global EdTech Startups Awards. Puls24, the Brutkasten and Tagesschau reported these achievements (in German).
Finalists of the HR Award
Yes, HR Award. Human Resources. eSquirrel is not just suitable for school, but also for onboarding and further training of employees in companies. Instead of acorns, employees collect croissants in bakeries or travel suitcases in airports. With eSquirrel, everyone can learn in a sustainable and entertaining way.
Your lifelong learning companion
In 2021, we made a big step closer to our vision of making eSquirrel a learning companion for life. From primary school to secondary school, university, but also for your new job or to better remember the content of your favourite books you read in your free time: With eSquirrel you can learn everything.

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Our mission for 2022
Our mission for 2022 is to broaden our offered content, to become active in more countries, and to continue to incorporate your feedback to remain the best learning platform in the German-speaking world.
eSquirrel is much more than just an LMS!
As an eSquirrel user, you surely know that. eSquirrel is not a normal “learning platform”, not a boring LMS. We are a “Learning Experience Platform” (LXP). When we started in 2015, we didn’t know this word ourselves. We only knew that digital-based learning and teaching has to be better than a mere administration of test results. Learning and teaching must be an experience, a fascination. We will stand for this in 2022 as well.
I wish you a happy new year, 2022! Even if it won’t always be easy, please know that we are always there for you as a reliable partner.
Best regards
Dr. Michael Maurer for the eSquirrel team